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Terra Canterbury

Investing in local community spirit

through the built environment

We offer a full range of land development consultancy services in-house

Terra Canterbury offers our clients full-service land development consultancy services, including architectural advice, design, and construction observation services for a wide range of governmental, developer, insurance, contractor, property owners, and solicitor Clients.

Terra's History in Canterbury: 

Following the February 2011 earthquake, Terra was engaged by the Earthquake Commission (EQC) to provide rapid response earthquake damage assessment and assistance. Throughout 2011, Terra had a team of engineers who flew into Christchurch weekly to complete civil and structural earthquake damage assessments for hundreds of buildings across Christchurch and the greater Canterbury region.
 One significant aspect of Terra’s work within the Canterbury area is providing independent professional engineering advice in the High Court to help parties settle claims and disputes in relation to earthquake-related structural damage of buildings.


In February 2013, Terra invested in purchasing a permanent office in Christchurch as hub for our South Island Operations and to better service the growing number of clients with cost-effective professional services.



"Of the hundreds of thousands of dollars we have spent with experts over the last six years, you are the first and only company to say thank you"

"To the Terra Team - many thanks for being in our corner"

"You're appreciated - keep it up!"

What people say

Our Services

Christchurch Project - Terra Structure Service
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